Art Elysées
From 19 to 23 October, in parallel with the FIAC, the Wagner Gallery presents at Art Elysées a selection of artists of geometric abstract art, concrete art, kinetic art and urban art: Ode Bertrand, John Carter, Geneviève Claisse, Jean Dewasne, Joaquin Ferrer, Gilbert1, Gerhard Hotter, Alain-Jacques Lévrier-Mussat, Guy de Lussigny, Dario Perez Flores, Sébastien Preschoux, Seize Happywall and Marie-Thérèse Vacossin.
Meet us at stand 140 A, Pavillon A, avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris 8 from place Clemenceau to place de la Concorde
Opening on 18 October.
Invitations offered on request, exclusively by email, within the limit of available places. Please specify in your request if you want an invitation for the opening or for another day, and specify your postal address.
Practical information on the website: www.artelysees.fr