Discovering abstraction
André Le Bozec, collector and patron of the arts, invites us to discover geometric abstraction through two events:
– Saturday 31 May: Guy de Lussigny, the man, the artist, his work;
– Saturday 28 June: Geometric abstract art.
Chevalier des arts et des lettres, André Le Bozec is the executor of the will of Guy de Lussigny, who died in 2001. With passion, he defends the work of his friend, curating numerous exhibitions and retrospectives in museums. This artist, until now rather confidential, is in the process of being recognised at his true value, thanks to him. In fact, the Musée des Ursulines in Mâcon, the Musée Tavet-Delacour in Pontoise and above all the museums of the North of France (Cambrai, Dunkerque, Musée Matisse in Cateau-Cambrésis…) have enriched their collections of geometric abstraction, thus becoming an unavoidable pole of attraction for amateurs.
Please note: Meeting at 7pm at the gallery. Duration: 1 hour. Free admission. Limited seating. Registration required by email (contact@galeriewagner.com) or telephone (06 62 16 16 28), subject to availability.
photo : © Pascal Gérard