Eldorado: Conquering... Art!
As a member of the Association of Galleries of Lille and its region, the Wagner Gallery will participate in the event organised on 15 and 16 June as part of Lille3000.
On the occasion of this new edition on the theme of Eldorado, the galleries of the association have decided to create a dream, to glimpse an inner world in a utopian tone, and to unite the public around the same question “And me, what is my Eldorado?
The project “À la conquête de l’art” calls on the imagination, expression and sensitivity of each individual to discover his or her Eldorado.
The Wagner Gallery will present sculptures by the Mexican artist Alberto VARGAS and paintings by the Breton artist Jeremi CA. The former clearly refers to his origins; the latter takes us into a world of vortexes and dizziness organised like futuristic networks.