•1964: Born in Brussels
• 1987: obtained a civil engineering degree
1989: obtained a master’s degree from the University of California (Santa Barbara)
• 2018: First Arts & Mathematics exhibition. Town Hall of the 5th Arrondissement, Paris
• 2024: Publication of “Zero sharp exists art, mathematics, unaesthetic” by Mimesis editions.
The artistic work of Michel Tombroff can be interpreted as an attempt to resuscitate the link between concept and subjectivity, a link which has been neglected – or even obliterated according to him – since the conceptual rupture of the sixties.
In other words, he postulates that the primacy of the concept is not incompatible with aesthetics, that it is possible to create a purely conceptual work that leaves ample room for subjective experience. His practice can be interpreted as a double attempt at reconciling the modern and the postmodern: by offering modern objects readable in a postmodern world, and vice versa, by showing how postmodern creations can take advantage of a modern heritage.
To achieve these goals, he uses mathematics, logic and philosophy, giving form to idealities such as numbers, set theory and infinity, and exploring the dialectics of idealism, materialism and realism. He engages with key thinkers and artists of the 20th century, including mathematicians such as Georg Cantor, Kurt Gödel and Paul Cohen, philosophers such as Martin Heidegger, Gilles Deleuze and Alain Badiou, and artists such as Tony Smith, Robert Smithson and Carl André, key figures in the canons of modernity and the advent of the postmodern turn.

“Turnpike X” 2024
Circuite de voiture circulaire en “Scalextric tracks”
75 cm x 100 cm,
Personal Exhinitions
- Conferences: Zero sharp exists. TheMerode, The Royal Bach Ice Rink, CAB Foundation, Feb-Jun 2024.
- DRIVE, Gallery Nosco (Window Licker), May 2024. Solo exhibition.
- Conference: Diagonals on Conceptual Art, WIELS, Brussels, Belgium, Feb 2024.
- DRIVE, LKFF Art Projects, Brussels, Belgium, Nov 2023. Solo Exhibition.
- Music and thought. La Vénerie, Brussels. Exhibition of Simulacra at the occasion of the “No faster than music” conference/concert. Mar 2023.
- Suburban Sublime. LKFF Art Projects Gallery, Beersel, Belgium. Solo Exhibition. Nov 2022 – Feb 2023. See suburbansublime.co
- Art & Mathematics, University of Caen Normandy, France. Group show. Mar 2020.
- The Axiom of Choice. Cookie Butcher Gallery. Antwerp, Belgium. Solo Show. Sep 28 to Nov 17, 2019.9.
- Helmut Space. Leipzig, Germany. Solo show. Dec 2018.
- Coping with complexity. Brussels, Belgium. Apr 2018.
Group Exhibitions
- TOPOS, Abstract Project Gallery, Paris, France. Apr 2024. Group show.
- Time Elapsed, Imprimerie de la Banque Nationale, Brussels, Belgium. Apr 2023. Group show.
- Is conceptual art an art? Conference with Alain Badiou, Namur. Nov 2022. See https://youtu.be/QXM6_MZPRSc
- Darkness is needed to see the stars. LKFF Art Projects Gallery Gallery, Beersel, Belgium. Group exhibition. Sep 2022. See lkff.gallery.
- Presence is more than just being there. LKFF Art Projects Gallery, Beersel, Belgium. Group exhibition. Sep 2021. See lkff.gallery.
- Japan-Europe Palace Art Festival. Halles St Géry, Brussels, Belgium. Group show. Aug 2021.
Order of Operations. - Bozar, Brussels, Belgium. Group show. Jun 2021.
- Der Rattenfänger. Galerie Duflon Racz, Brussels, Belgium. Group show. Jun 2021.
- Hylomorphisms. Maison des Arts d’Uccle, Brussels, Belgium. Group show. Jun 2021.
- I am. Fragments of romantic ontology. Arsenal, Brussels, Belgium. Group show. September 2020.
- Arts & Mathematics. Town hall of the 5th Arrondissement. Group show. Paris, France. Feb 2020.
- New Reality, Paris, France. Group show. Oct 19-21, 2019.
- Arts in Society. Lisbon, Portugal. Group show. Jun 27-29, 2019.
- Abstract Project Gallery. Paris, France. Group show. Mar 7-15, 2019.
The Place of Truth. Uppsala, Sweden. Group show. Sept 2018. - Bridges 2018 Arts and Mathematics. Stockholm, Sweden. Group show. Jul 2018.
- Arts & Mathematics. Town hall of the 5th Arrondissement. Group show. Paris, France. Feb 2018.