Reconfinés, mais toujours connectés !
Dear friends, dear art lovers,
The health situation has forced us to close once again and we are unable to welcome you to the gallery. Nevertheless, we can continue to share with you the current exhibition. Indeed, during this period which could last, we remain active and mobilized, both to communicate on the artists and their works, and especially to maintain the links that unite us with you; they are precious and vital to us!
Thus, you can consult the catalogue of the works currently exhibited by clicking HERE. We will be happy to answer all your requests by phone, SMS, or email (contact@galeriewagner.com).
As a reminder, online purchases are possible, and deliveries can be made by appointment in compliance with health regulations.
You also have the possibility to follow our news and information by connecting regularly to our website and by subscribing to our social networks:
More than ever, your interest will show your support. Do not hesitate to send us your comments and wishes!
We look forward to welcoming you back to the gallery, so take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Florence Wagner
+33 6 62 16 16 28Catalogue