"Why white ?"
From March 16th to May 7th : “Why white” – collective exhibition
The white. A color ? Not a color? Sum of all colors ? Pure light ?
By choosing the theme “Why white ?”, the Wagner Gallery intends to confirm the creative power of white-color and white-light.
With his “White Square on White Background”, Malevich associates white with infinity by simply mixing two different whites – one French, cold and very slightly bluish for the square, one Russian, warm and a little ochre for the background. Considered the first monochrome painting in our history, this one allows the artist to declare: “Now the path of man is through space (…) I have pierced the shade of the limits of color, I have penetrated into the white; beside me, fellow pilots, navigate in this endless space. The white free sea extends before you”.
This is how concrete research opens up, a scheme of abstraction among others, where white is clearly a sign and thus participates in the quest for pure form, while creating whites on whites with a delicate and almost prodigious optical effect!
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