XIE TIAN is a contemporary Chinese artist whose work is recognized for its ability to skillfully fuse traditional and modern elements.
Born in China in 1971, XIE TIAN studied at the Zhejiang Erqing School of Industrial Design, then at the Chinese Academy of Arts, finishing with a Master’s degree in architectural sustainability studies at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, in Swiss. In the work of XIE TIAN — evolving from designer to artist — the relationship between human and nature, human and society, the impact of globalization on traditional societies are at the heart of his inspirations.
Thus, through the exhibition “Suspended Time”, XIE TIAN invites us to take a break, to take the time to look, understand, reflect on our times, on our relationship with time, nature, with our humanity!
Récolter ce qu’on a semé, 2023
3 set d’assiettes pour les raviolis
20 x 20 cm, hauteur variable
Unique Piece