Tribute to Anneke Klein Kranenbarg
The Wagner Gallery pays tribute to the artist Anneke Klein Kranenbarg and invites her friends to mobilize for cancer research.
The Wagner Gallery pays tribute to the artist Anneke Klein Kranenbarg and invites her friends to mobilize for cancer research.
The Wagner Gallery invites you to the Grand Palais from April 3 to 6, 2025
The Wagner Gallery invites you to meet at Carreau du Temple, Process sector
As by chance Prepare for the unexpected!Chance represents phenomena that we can neither control nor predict with certainty. One might think that it has no link with mathematics, the sciences…
The Wagner Gallery is offering a group exhibition of artists whose approach draws on mathematical sciences.
Câbles Fiction scientifique Câbles raconte les tribulations d’un ingénieur, capitaine d’un navire câblier contraint de réparer en urgence la rupture d’une fibre optique sous-marine obligeant plusieurs pays à ne plus être alimentés par internet, ceci dans le contexte d’un confinement sanitaire, voire de guerre.
In parallel with the exhibition “Hors champ”, Antoni Pinent offers to discover his cinematographic works.Meet on Friday October 6 at the Christine Cinéma Club4 rue Christine 75006 ParisSession at 7…