From 23 September: Measurements/Demeasurements at Graf notaries
Carte Blanche for the Galerie Wagner which for 4 months presents a group exhibition at La Galerie by Graf notaires. Located at 104 avenue des Champs Elysées, the notary’s office Graf notaires is specialised in complex real estate, investments, development and real estate promotion, and is also developing an interest in contemporary art and its actors.
While the scenography proposes works adapted to the scale of the place, it also aims to reveal the monumental dimension of the artists presented.
Artistes présentés : David Bitton – Carlos Cruz-Diez – Ueli Gantner – Renaud Jacquier-Stajnowicz – Bernard Lassus – Eli Jimenez-Le Parc – Alain-Jacques Levrier-Mussat –Carlos Medina – Julio Pacheco-Rivas – Olivier Petiteau – Hilde Van Impe
Exhibition from 23 September 2021 to 19 January 2022