In parallel : 12 October > 18 November 2003
In parallel Collective exhibitionIn line with the artistic line of the Wagner Gallery, the exhibition “In Parallel” offers a questioning of the plan, the line, the repetitiveness, the similarity, the…
In parallel Collective exhibitionIn line with the artistic line of the Wagner Gallery, the exhibition “In Parallel” offers a questioning of the plan, the line, the repetitiveness, the similarity, the…
Claudia Lavegas 1968: born in Caracas, Venezuela 1992: architect diploma - Central University of Venezuela 1995/1997: Beaux-Arts de Paris – Mention museography section 1997/2010: Murals for individuals and professionals 2010:…
Hors champ To see the press kit, click here
Antoni Pinent Born in Lleida (Catalonia / Spain) in 1975 1996: Diploma in "Cinematography/Film Editing" from the San Sebastian Sarobe Urnieta Film Schoo 1996-2001: Bachelor's degree in Art History, University…
Centenary of Carlos Cruz Diez and Jésus-Rafael SOTO
Duo exhibition with Francesc Bordas and Antoni Pinent
GRAND ANGLE Solo show of Jaildo Marinho The Wagner Gallery presents the work of Jaildo Marinho, Brazilian artist. Painter and sculptor, Jaildo Marinho offers a selection of fifteen emblematic works…
Grand Angle Solo show of Jaildo MarinhoTo see the press kit, click here
Find out the solo exhibition on Pancho Quilici at Gallery Wagner !
Irene Zundel Born in Mexico City in 1958From 1977 to 1981, she studied graphic design at the Philadelphia College of Art.In the early 1990s, she joined the studio of Enrique…
Jesús Rafael Soto Born in 1923 in Ciudad Bolívar, VenezuelaDirector of the Maracaibo School of Fine Arts, intrigued by the works of Malevitch and Mondrian,In 1950, he received a scholarship…
First participation at Art Karlsruhe
Pancho Quilici solo show To see the press kit, click here
La couleur en mouvement To see the press kit, click here
Entre (Fil)les To see the press kit, click here
Liberalitas To see the press kit, click here
Alain Longuet Born in 1946 in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val-de-Marne)• was a teacher at the University of Constantine (Algeria)• 1976: educational engineer in the audiovisual department of the École Polytechnique• participates at…
Gerhard Hotter Born in 1954 in Nuremberg1976-1981: Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg - with Professor Günter Dollhopf1977: Prize of the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg2005: Nominated for the City of…
Saturday at the gallery Meeting with Miguel CHEVALIER and Marc PARTOUCHE on Sunday 16 October at 4pmAs part of the operation "Un dimanche à la galerie" organised by the Comité…
ENTRE [FIL]LES From 1 September to 8 October, the Wagner Gallery presents a group exhibition "ENTRE [FIL]LES".For this back-to-school exhibition, the Wagner Gallery presents a collective of women artists on…
16th edition of the Contemporary Drawing Fair
Exposition collective
Presentation of the book "Abstrakt géometria”
Géraldine Wilcke and Gerhard Frömel at Klotzshows From January 15 to March 4, 2023 Duo exhibition - Géraldine Wilcke and Gerhard Frömel: "UNSQUARE DANCE" in the Espace Rivoli of Klotzshows…
Ulysse Lacoste Born in 1981 in Paris 2002: Diploma of Arts and Arts, Sculpture applied to metal, ENS Applied Arts and Crafts – Olivier de Serres 2007: Collectif Lemplume, supported by the…
Carole Picavet Born in 1964 1983-1986: ENS degree in Applied Arts and Crafts, Plastic Artist Surface of the Architectural Environment (Paris) 1986-1988: ENSAD, Scenography (Paris) Independent artist since 1989 Lives…
Hanna Roeckle Born in 1950 in Vaduz, Germany1970-1975: Zurich University of Arts1975-1994: Teaching position / Art education, Zurich 1993: Studied engraving at the Kunstlerwerk, Berlin / Learning printing techniques1996: Studio in…
Soirée VIP Thursday 20th of October 6pm to 9pm Evening event at the gallery in the presence of some artists on the occasion of the art week in Paris, in…
La Couleur en mouvement 13 october > 19 november 2022 - La Couleur en Mouvement -- Group exhibition Thursday, October 13, 2022 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm opening in…
Un dimanche à la Galerie Meeting with Miguel CHEVALIER and Marc PARTOUCHE on Sunday, October 16 at 4pm As part of the operation "Un dimanche à la galerie" organized by…
Soirée VINI[FIL] Saturday 8 October at 8pm To close the exhibition "Entre [Fil]les", the Wagner gallery invites you to participate in VINI[FIL], an experience around wine and cheese, led by Christophe…
Roger Vilder Born in 1938 in Beirut (Lebanon)Graduated from Concordia University, Montreal (Canada)1965 : Model maker in the construction team of the Quebec Pavilion at the Montreal World's Fair1967 :…
Meeting with Nathalie JUNOD PONSARD on the occasion of the publication of her monograph Saturday October 1st at 4pm Nathalie Junod Ponsard is a major artist in the contemporary art…
Meeting with Christine FRÉROT Saturday September 24th at 4pm As part of the exhibition ENTRE [FIL]LES. Florence Wagner invites Christine Frérot* for the publication of two books on women artists,…
Jaildo Marinho Born in 1970 in Santa Maria de Boa Vista, Brazil1982 - 1986: Centre for the study of gems and minerals1986: Sculpture course with Joao Batista Queiroz, at the…
Miguel Chevalier Born in 1959 in Mexico City, Mexico 1981: Graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris 1983: Graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs…
Francesc Bordas Born in Sabadell (Catalonia) in 1957 1986-87 travels to Italy and works at the National Chalcography in Rome 1989 : works between Paris and Barcelona 1986: Grant from…
The summer selection in Le Touquet Galerie Wagner is pleased to present the new exhibition in its space in Le Touquet, located at the corner of rue de Paris and…
Semaine de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes From 26 May to 11 June 2022, France honoured Latin America and the Caribbean through the ninth edition of the Latin America and…
Nathalie Junod Ponsard Born in Compiègne (France) in 1961 1986: Graduated from the National School of Decorative Arts (ENSAD) after studying at the Beaux-Arts in Nantes 1989-1990: Settles in India…
- = + From January 19 to February 25, 2023, Galerie Wagner presents a group exhibition of minimalist artists "– = +". "Less is more", "Less is a plus", "Stripping…
Chen Mei-Tsen Born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1966 1985-90: Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan. 1991-1992: Ecole Nationale des Arts de Cergy Pontoise, France. 1993-95: Ecole Supérieure des…
Olga Luna Born in Peru in 1947 1962-1968: Graduates from the Escuela Normal Superior de Bellas Artes in Lima 1969: Stays in Madrid where she does research at the Prado…
Carl Krasberg 1946 born in Wattenscheid1956 - 1966: Urban Mathematical High School Wattenscheid1966 - 1971 Studied at the University of Fine Arts in Kassel (HfbK Kassel)1972 - 1976: Research assistant…
Dana et Stéphane Maitec Dana Maitec Born in 1970 in OneștiSelf-taught photographerArtistic directorStéphane Maietc Born in Bucharest in 1957.Graduated from Nicolae Tonitza High School in Bucharest in 1977 and from the Ioan…
Matérialiser - Olivier Petiteau To see the press kit , click here
Matérialiser - Olivier Petiteau 16 June > 30 July Solo show The Wagner Gallery presents a selection of works by Olivier PETITEAU, a French artist born in Nantes in 1974.…
Tribute to Ivan Contreras-Brunet 11 May - 11 June 2022In memory of the artist Ivan CONTRERAS-BRUNET who left us in September 2021, the WAGNER Gallery invites some of his friends for…
19, 20, 21, 22 May : PARIS GALLERY WEEKEND May 19, 20, 21, 22 : PARIS GALLERY WEEKEND Thursday 19, Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May, from 11am…
Sophie Coroller Born in France in 1944Studies Graphic Arts in Paris1990 : Abandons drawing and begins her work around figures1992 : First solo exhibitions2012 : First museum exhibition2018 : Acquisition…
Bernard Lassus in the spotlight in the press... - In Le Moniteur en ligne, journalist Laurent Miguet devotes a very fine column to the artist Bernard Lassus on the occasion…
Discover the article in l'Œil Magazine about the group exhibition "Mesures/Démesures" at the Galerie par Graf Notaire, in collaboration with the Galerie Wagner, until 19 January 2022.Article by Vincent Delaury.To…
Newsletter Agenda Novembre 2021 To check our November Newsletter and all the events click here!
Alain-Jacques Levrier-Mussat – Press kitFor download the press kit, click here
Lussigny praised in Le Figaro MagazineGuy de Lussigny is quoted in an article published in Le Figaro Magazine on 4 and 5 September.To read the article, click Here
Carrés – Presse kitTo download the press kit click here
Gerhard Frömel – Press kitFor donwload click here
Latinos – Dossier de pressePour télécharger le dossier de presse cliquez ICI
Haruhiko Sunagawa - Press kitTo download the press kit click here
Ode Bertrand honoured in L'Œil MagazineIn its December 2020 issue dedicated to "50 artists of the 21st century who have marked the French scene", L'Œil Magazine pays tribute to the…
Charles BEZIE – Press releaseCOMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE Cliquer ici !
Newsletter November 2018To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here2018_NL07_Novembre
Newsletter August 2018To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2018_NL06_Septembre
Newsletter August 2018To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here2018_NL05_AoûtA4
Newsletter July 2018To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here2018_NL04_Juillet
Newsletter May 2018To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here 2018_NL03_MAI
Handelsblatt: Art Paris Art FairRead the article on Art Paris Art Fair "Switzerland in the spotlight" by following this link: 2018_04_HandelsblattBD2
Voix du Nord - Geometries of LightRead the article on the "Geometries of Light" exhibition:2018_04_VDN_Lumières
Echo du Touquet - Geometries of Light Read the Echo du Touquet's article on the exhibition "Geometries of Light" 2018_04_EDT_Lumières
Le Monde – Art Paris Art Fair Galerie Wagner quoted in « Le Monde » : 2018_04_05_Le Monde
Newsletter March 2018 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here :2018_NL02_MARS
"Counterpoints", according to Alain Le BoucherHarmony and counterpoints at the Galerie Wagner...Read the article published in Les Echos du Touquet on 20 December 2017.2017_12_EDT_Le Boucher_OK
The Wagner Gallery in the magazine "L'Oeil Read the article published in "L'Oeil" with a portrait of the gallery 2017_12_Oeil_Portrait_
Newsletter November 2017 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2017_NL10_Novembre_
Exhibition "Limites infinies" by Gerhard Hotter in Les Echos du TouquetRead the article published in " Les Echos du Touquet " about the exhibition " Limites infinies " by Gerhard…
Exhibition catalogue "Infinite Limits" by Gerhard HOTTERClick on this link to view our Hotter_Catalogue
Intersections" exhibition in Les Echos du TouquetRead the article published in "Les Echos du Touquet" about the "Intersections" exhibition:2017_10_04_LesEchosduTouquet2BD
Newsletter September 2017To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here:2017_NL8_Septembre
Exhibition catalogue "Couleurs PluriellesClick on this link to view our Catalogue_Couleurs_Plurielles
« Couleurs Plurielles » in Nordmag Read the article on the "Nordmag" website about the "Couleurs Plurielles" exhibition:
Newsletter August 2017To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here:2017_NL7_Août
Newsletter July 2017To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here2017_NL6_Juillet
Joaquin Ferrer in "La Gazette Drouot Read the article published in "La Gazette Drouot" n° 25 of 23 June 2017 on the exhibition of Joaquin Ferrer at the gallery and…
Joaquin Ferrer in Les Echos du TouquetRead the article published in "Les Echos du Touquet" on June 13, 2017 about Joaquin Ferrer's exhibition at the gallery.2017_06_13_EDT_Ferrer
Joaquin FERRER in Miroir de l’art Read the article published in " Miroir de l'art " n° 84 on Joaquin Ferrer's exhibition at the gallery. Miroir de l’Art
Joaquin FERRER Exhibition CatalogueClick on this link to view our Catalogue Ferrer
Newsletter May 2017 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2017_NL5_Mai
Joaquin Ferrer in "Art AbsolumentRead the article published in " Art Absolument " n° 77 of May/June 2017 about the exhibition of Joaquin Ferrer at the Maison de l'Amérique…
Jean DEWASNE - "Towards a 'constructive' artRead the article published in "La Voix du Nord" on 19 April 2017 on Jean DEWASNE's exhibition, "Pour une architecture de la couleur".VDN 2017_04_19_Dewasne
Jean DEWASNE exhibition catalogueClick on this link to view our Catalogue_Dewasne1_
Newsletter April 2017To download our newsletter, please click here:
Newsletter January 2017 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2017_NL1OK_
In the galleries this month: abstract paintings and metal sculpturesRead the article published in "La Voix du Nord" of 04 December 2016 on the exhibition in collaboration with the architect…
Catalogue of the exhibition "Abstract Affinities I II III IV VClick on this link to view our Catalogue_I II III_IV_V
Exhibition "Affinités abstraites I II III- IV V Read the article published on the NordMag website about Alain Demarquette's selection, "Affinités Abstraites I II III - IV V":
Newsletter November 2016 (bis)To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2016_NL8Bis
Newsletter November 2016 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2016_NL8
Vacossin: an artist with an intensely contemporary eyeRead the article published in "Les Echos du Touquet" on 05 October 2016 on Marie-Thérèse Vacossin's exhibition, "Regard sur la verticale, sur l'horizontale".
Marie-Thérèse Vacossin, Regard sur la verticale, sur l’horizontaleRead the article published in "La Gazette Drouot" on 07 October 2016 on Marie-Thérèse Vacossin's exhibition, "Regard sur la verticale, sur l'horizontale".To download…
A quick look at the works exhibited in the art galleries this monthRead the article published in La Voix du Nord on Sunday 02 October 2016.To download the article, click…
Newsletter October 2016Click on this link to view our newsletter : 2016_NL7
Exhibition catalogue "Regard sur la verticale sur l'horizontale" by Marie-Thérèse VacossinClick on this link to view our Catalogue_MT_Vacossin
Newsletter August 2016 (bis)To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2016_NL6bis
Exhibition catalogue "Homage to the square Click on this link to view our catalogue Catalogue_Hommage_au_carre
Newsletter August 2016To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here:2016_NL6
Newsletter July 2016 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2016_NL5
Newsletter June 2016 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here 2016_NL4
Newsletter May 2016 To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here 2016_NL3
Newsletter February 2016To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here:2016_NL2
The Musée du Touquet is faced with a major problemRead the article published in "La Voix du Nord" on 17 June 2016 on the donation of André Le Bozec to…
The Wagners, art at the beach Read the article published in "Connaissance des Arts" of July/August 2016 about the gallery. To download the article, click on this link 2016_07_Connaissancedesarts
Donation of André Le Bozec to the Musée du TouquetRead the article published in "Le Touquet Paris-Plage Infos" in June 2016 on the donation of André Le Bozec to the…
What to see in the art galleries this month?Read the article published in La Voix du Nord on Sunday 29 May 2016 on the exhibition "Déplacements" by John Carter.To download…
Figurative sculptures and abstract paintings in the galleriesRead the article published in La Voix du Nord on Sunday 24 April 2016 about Gaël Bourmaud's exhibition "Hors cadre".To download the article,…
Women firstRead the article published in Le Figaro on April 1, 2016 on women in the spotlight at the Art Paris Art FairClick here
The Art Journal– Art Up 2016Read the article published in the Journal des Arts supplement of 5 February 2016 on the Art Up exhibition in Lille.On the cover, the painting…
Newsletter January 2016To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click ici
New collective exhibition at the Wagner Gallery Read the article by Elise Leclercq published in Les Echos du Touquet following the opening of the Affinités Abstraites exhibition. 8 artists were…
The variations of Geneviève Claisse Read the article by Elise Leclercq published in Les Echos du Touquet following the opening of the exhibition Variations Bleues To download the article, click…
Newsletter Juin 2015To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here: 2015_NL6_
To download our newsletter in PDF format, please click here : 2015_NL5_
Lille Art UpWe invite you to the contemporary art fair Lille Art Up, from February 11th to 15th, in Lille Grand Palais. Stands B21 and B23 (near the champagne bar).Read…
Geometric abstraction in all its forms!Read the article by Elise Leclercq published in Les Echos du Touquet following the opening of the Affinités Abstraites exhibition.Nine artists were present that evening…
The subtile squares of Lussigny Read Bernadette Laurent's article in La voix du Nord of Friday 18 April 2014 presenting Guy de Lussigny's subtle squares and vibrant colours. To download…
Read the article by Bruno Vouters in La voix du Nord of 2 November, which underlines the importance of Geneviève Claisse's work in constructed abstract art, her inventiveness and rigour.To…
19 > 22 may : Drawing Now « Traits pour traits »« Feature for feature »Face to face Ode Bertrand and Anneke Klein Kranenbarg. Two women. Two generations. A common passion for the…
Art Paris Art Fair From 6 to 10 April 2022, Galerie Wagner will be at Art Paris in the Grand Palais ephemeral.For its 7th participation in Art Paris Art Fair,…
Meeting withBernard Lassus Saturday 19 February 2022 from 4 to 6 pm The Wagner Gallery offers a meeting with the artist Bernard Lassus and the signing of the catalogue of the…
Check out our Advent Calendar! Christmas is coming... Discover our Advent calendar. Each day, from December 1st to 24th, a work is presented to you on our Artsy page. Click…
16 December : Meeting with Marc Partouche On Thursday 16 December, from 6 to 9 pm, Marc Partouche* will present his latest book: “Les écoles d’art qui changent le monde ”…
« Ceci n'est pas du bleu » Meeting with A.-J. Levrier-Mussat The Wagner Gallery is pleased to invite you to a discussion with the artist Alain-Jacques LEVRIER-MUSSAT on the theme…
2 October: "THE" Rendez-vous in Saint-Germain-des-Près! Les galeries du quartier Saint-Germain-des-Près vous accueillent à nouveau le SAMEDI 2 OCTOBRE de 11h à 18h.Retrouvez le plan et la liste des galeries…
7 November: Sunday at the gallery! The Wagner Gallery is pleased to participate in the operation Un dimanche à la Galerie, on Sunday 7 November from 2pm to 6pm. This…
From 23 September: Measurements/Demeasurements at Graf notaries Carte Blanche for the Galerie Wagner which for 4 months presents a group exhibition at La Galerie by Graf notaires. Located at 104…
13 October > 20 November : A-J Levrier-Mussat - Cosmogonies A cosmogony (from the Greek cosmo - 'world' and gon - 'to generate') is a mythological account that describes or…
From 8 to 12 SEPTEMBER : ART PARIS From 8 to 12 September 2021, Galerie Wagner will be present at Art Paris at the Grand Palais ephemeral.On the occasion of…
2 Septembre > 9 Octobre : Carrés ! Twenty years ago, the artist Guy de Lussigny passed away.Born in 1929 in Cambrai, Guy de Lussigny developed a singular, refined body…
June/July: Frömel Gerhard FRÖMEL - Beyond appearances -Solo exhibition from June 23 to July 24, 2021 - Galerie Wagner Paris 6e -The Wagner Gallery gives Gerhard Frömel carte blanche for…
June 3, 4, 5 and 6: PARIS GALLERY WEEK-END Thursday 3, Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 June, from 11am to 6pm: the Galerie Wagner is participating in the…
29 May : "THE" Rendez-vous in Saint-Germain-des-près! On Saturday 29 May, the WAGNER Gallery will welcome you from 11am to 9pm with some of the artists from the "LATINOS" exhibition.This…
May / June : Latinos Latinos - Collective exhibition from 19 May to 19 June - Galerie Wagner - Paris 6e - On the occasion of the Latin America and…
Nouveaux horaires ! 11am / 5pm! Please note: from Saturday 16 January, the curfew imposes us to close at 5pm for the next 15 days... So, until further notice, we…
March : Meeting with Serge Fauchereau Saturday 13 March 2021, from 2 to 5 pm, Serge Fauchereau presents his new book: "The end of the avant-gardes between the two world…
February/March: Sunagawa Haruhiko SUNAGAWA - Cosmic sensitivity - Solo exhibition at Galerie Wagner Paris 6e - EXTENSION ! Both a painter and a sculptor, Haruhiko SUNAGAWA finds his inspiration in…
Janvier/Février : Trésors de papier Paper treasures #2 - Group exhibition from January 20th to February 20th - Galerie Wagner Paris 6e - Drawings, gouaches, watercolours, ink strokes, sketches, originals…
2020/2021 Dear art lovers, 2020 is coming to an end, while the epidemic continues to deprive us of moments of conviviality... Fortunately, art is our vitamin cure, our breath of…
Selection TEMPTATION ! Dear art lovers and collectors,As the festive season approaches and to thank you for your loyalty, the Wagner Gallery offers you a selection of works at TENTATION…
Le Pari(s) The WAGNER Gallery makes LE PARI(S)!Every year in October, Paris welcomes the whole world to the rhythm of art. This year, the CPGA is making LE PARI(S) a…
Reconfinés, mais toujours connectés ! Dear friends, dear art lovers, The health situation has forced us to close once again and we are unable to welcome you to the gallery.…
Around the plan Group exhibition presenting various plastic approaches questioning the plane, the surface, the perspective, the symmetry, the support, the point of view... Opening Thursday 22 October, in partnership…
Private : Hélène VANS / Visible spaces Spaces said to be visible Solo exhibition dedicated to the sculptor Hélène VANS. Hélène VANS, born in 1954, is a French sculptor known…
Pascal QUIGNARD, writer, poet, artist! The Wagner Gallery welcomes Pascal QUIGNARD on Tuesday 6 October at 6pm for the signing of the book "Sur le geste de l'abandon", edited by…
Sunday at the gallery! For the 6th edition of Un Dimanche à la Galerie: 166 galleries will participate on September 13th, in 10 regions and 20 cities!The Wagner Gallery will…
See you at Art Paris 2020 ART PARIS 2020 returns to the Grand Palais in September and is mobilising with its galleries to organise the leading cultural event of the…
Back to work agenda ! In September 2020, the Parisian gallery celebrates its first anniversary with an ambitious year-end programme!Established since 2004 in Le Touquet Paris-Plage, Galerie Wagner has developed…
It's summer... See you atTouquet! The Galerie Wagner in Paris will be closed for annual holidays from Friday 31 July at 7.30pm.(Possibility to visit by appointment only)Reopening on Thursday 3…
#VisitonsNosGaleries Let's viste our galleries! More than 80 galleries in the Saint-Germain des Près district are joining forces for the #VisitonsNosGaleries operation! From 11 to 14 June from 2pm to…
Treat yourself ! A party? A birthday party? Discover HERE our selection of works at mini prices for maximum pleasure!
Re-opening Touquet ! After a few months of absence in Le Touquet, the Galerie Wagner is moving to a new space, located at the corner of rue de Paris and…
Art Paris Live or Digital ? Ready to visit Art Paris virtually? Visit on May 27 and on May 28 With the definitive cancellation of Art Paris at…
IN / OFF en visite virtuelle ! IN/OFF as if you were there... ...and it's your choice! The group exhibition IN/OFF is now visible both in the gallery and virtually…
1/3 de galeries en moins ? The CPGA - Comité Professionnel des Galeries d'Art - has just carried out a study on the impact of the Coiv-19 health crisis on…
IN / OFF IN/OFF is a group exhibition representative of the currents carried by the Wagner Gallery. The title of this exhibition was intended to refer to the IN /in…
Charles BEZIE Supporting figures Charles Bézie has been using lines and numbers for more than 45 years. At first, he wanted to try to "erase" geometry with a network of…
Julio LE PARC the monograph On the occasion of the end of the exhibition "CERCLES", come and discover Julio LE PARC's latest monograph! The artist will be present on Saturday,…
CIRCLES The Wagner Gallery wishes you all the best for 2020 and invites you to celebrate the start of the new year with a group exhibition on the theme of the…
"Why white ?" From March 16th to May 7th : "Why white" - collective exhibitionThe white. A color ? Not a color? Sum of all colors ? Pure light ?By…
2019/2020 The year 2019 has been rich in events, with many exhibitions, beautiful meetings and the opening of a new space in Paris last September.The year 2020 will be just…
A novelist in the gallery! Editions HDiffusion is pleased to invite you to the launch/dedication of Charlotte FRANÇOIS's novel, "Bordeaux-Paris" on Tuesday 10 December 2019 from 6pm to 9pm at…
Ode Bertrand: Lineage as the only line From 4 December, come to the Saint André des Arts cinema to discover the film directed by Guillaume Lavit d'Hautefort on the miniatures…
Satoru: 50 years of career! On December 3rd, from 6pm to 9pm, Satoru and Gérard Xuriguera will be at the Galerie Wagner to sign an anniversary box set to celebrate…
Let's build a wall! Thirty years ago, the Berlin Wall fell, paving the way for German reunification, as well as new perspectives for many Eastern European countries. Through the group…
VASARELY MULTIPLE In parallel to the exhibition dedicated by the Musée du Touquet to Victor Vasarely, the Galerie WAGNER presents in Le Touquet a selection of original works and prints…
Tribute to Horacio GARCIA ROSSI Horacio GARCIA ROSSI - a major kinetic artist and co-founder of GRAV (visual art research group) - would have been 90 years old in 2019.To…
A Sunday at the gallery The Wagner Gallery was pleased to welcome you on Sunday 15 September for the event UN DIMANCHE A LA GALERIE. Back in pictures... Previous Next
Space Conquests # 2 - Paris This group exhibition is the second part of the exhibition that was held during the summer of 2019 in Le Touquet.The title has three…
Opening in Paris Created in 2003 in Le Touquet Paris-Plage in the Hauts-de-France, the WAGNER Gallery is now in Paris... 19 rue des Grands Augustins 75006 PARIS Opening on September…
Meeting with Pancho QUILICI Pancho QUILICI invites you to meet him on Saturday 24th August at 5pm at the Galerie Wagner - Le Touquet for a meeting around his works.…
Blue meeting! Alain-Jacques LEVRIER-MUSSAT invites you to meet him this Saturday, August 3rd at 5pm at the Galerie Wagner for a meeting around his works. Don't miss this moment of…
Adios Maestro ! The Franco-Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez, a major figure in kinetic art, died on Saturday 27 July in Paris at the age of 95. He devoted 70 years…
Space Conquests #1 - Le Touquet July 1969: man took his first steps on the moon July 2019: the Wagner Gallery offers you an artistic journey into the worlds of…
Eldorado: Conquering... Art! As a member of the Association of Galleries of Lille and its region, the Wagner Gallery will participate in the event organised on 15 and 16 June…
Paper treasures The Wagner Gallery presents a selection of works on paper: drawings, gouaches, watercolours, ink strokes, sketches, originals and multiples.These works on paper bear witness to the thorough work…
Focus on Mexican art The Wagner Gallery invites you to a meeting with Alberto VARGAS, Mexican artist, and Serge FAUCHEREAU, art historian, art critic and curator, on Saturday 13 April…
Some photos of Art Paris 2019 Previous Next
Meet us in ART PARIS Galerie Wagner is pleased to invite you to Art Paris Art Fair which will be held at the Grand Palais in Paris from 3 to…
Meeting with SATORU The Wagner Gallery is pleased to invite you to a meeting with the artist SATORUSaturday 23 March at 6 pmand/orSunday 24 March at 11amBorn in 1945 in…
S(ci)EN(ce)S CACHE(e)S The Wagner Gallery is pleased to invite you to the exhibition Hidden Sciences ! This group show presents a selection of works by artists whose work is based…
Spaces in reflection The Wagner Gallery is pleased to invite you to the exhibition "Espaces en réflexion" (Spaces in Reflection), bringing together a selection of 12 artists whose works play…
Meet us at Art Elysées stand 142 A! Galerie WAGNER is pleased to invite you to the Art Elysées, a contemporary art fair that will be held on the Champs…
TRICOLOR : Guided tour André Le Bozec - collector and universal legatee of Guy de Lussigny's work - invites you to a guided tour of the "TRICOLORE" exhibition on Saturday…
A tri-coloured 14th of July! Carte blanche to André Le Bozec, universal legatee of Guy de Lussigny's work. Red. Blue. White. Three colours. Three sensations. Fire, passion, life. The sea,…
Abstract dreams In Aboriginal art as in geometric abstraction, it is a question of forms, territories, symbols and spirituality...Hence the idea of an ephemeral partnership between the WAGNER Gallery and…
Tribute to Geneviève CLAISSE It is with deep sadness that we have learned of the death of Geneviève CLAISSE, which occurred suddenly on Sunday 29 April.Since 2013 - the date…
Ode BERTRAND at ART PARIS ART FAIR Ode BERTRAND will be present at Art Paris Art Fair, on the Galerie WAGNER's stand (F17), this Saturday, April 7th at 4pm for…
Geometries of light The Wagner Gallery presents works by Ivan CONTRERAS-BRUNET, Alain LE BOUCHER, Alain-Jacques LEVRIER-MUSSAT and Carlos MEDINA.These four artists explore the way in which light, its diffraction or…
Vacossin at Art Paris On Wednesday 4 April, Marie-Thérèse Vacossin will be signing her catalogue at the Grand Palais stand F17. Marie-Thérèse Vacossin was chosen by curator and art critic François…
Meet us at Art Paris Stand F17 From April 4 to 8, 2018, at the Grand Palais Galerie Wagner will be participating in the 20th edition of Art Paris, with…
Primary Colours The Wagner Gallery presents works by Charles BEZIE, Geneviève CLAISSE and Ueli GANTNER.These three artists use primary colours respectively in serial compositions organised around the Fibonacci sequence and/or…
2018 ! The entire Wagner Gallery team wishes you a very happy Christmas and a great 2018!May this year be full of light, colour, life and art!And remember this quote…
Lignes, harmonies et contrepoints The Wagner Gallery presents a selection of works by some thirty artists whose artistic approach includes a plastic reflection on line. In music, counterpoint is the…
Gerhard Hotter : Infinite limits Gerhard HOTTER, whose attention has been focused on geometric design since the early 1990s, uses Langford sequences as the basis for his plastic work, sequences…
Art Elysées From 19 to 23 October, in parallel with the FIAC, the Wagner Gallery presents at Art Elysées a selection of artists of geometric abstract art, concrete art, kinetic…
Intersections Until 29 October!In geometry, an intersection is the point where two lines cross, the line where two surfaces meet...In the works of Hélène Vans, Seize Happywallmaker, Gilbert1 and Sébastien…
Couleurs Plurielles The exhibition PLURAL COLOURS presents a selection of original or numbered works by 30 artists who question colour. How do colours make the composition legible, introduce movement, play…
Joaquin FERRER at the Maison de l'Amérique latine Discover Joaquin Ferrer's exhibition at the Maison de l'Amérique latine with Serge Fauchereau's comments:
Exhibition Joaquin FERRER The Wagner Gallery presents a selection of unpublished works by Joaquín Ferrer, an abstract painter born in Cuba in 1928 and living in France since 1960. His…
Dewasne: for an architecture of colour Exhibition from 15 April to 6 June 2017"Art opens up psychic horizons because thought can also move.Jean Dewasne (1921 -1999)Member of the Académie des…
Art Paris at the Invalides As part of Art Paris Art Fair 2017, Greff International is opening its space to a selection of works proposed by Galerie Wagner present at…
Art Paris 2017 ! The Wagner Gallery will be pleased to welcome you at Stand F15 during the Art Paris Art Fair, at the Grand Palais, from March 30 to…
Colours !, part two After the critical success of "Couleurs!" in 2015, the Galerie Robespierre presents a new and unique group exhibition bringing together some fifteen works from the collections…
From the original to the multiple ! For this first exhibition of 2017, the Wagner Gallery is offering a display of original works that inspired the creation of limited edition…
2017 ! The entire team of the Wagner Gallery wishes you a very happy 2017!May this year be full of light, colour and life!
I II III – IV V Between Architecture and Geometric Abstraction...The enigmatic title of this new event at the Wagner Gallery, Affinités abstraites / I II III - IV V…
Coming soon to Art Elysées! Event!Galerie Wagner has been selected to participate in the tenth edition of Art Elysées, an international contemporary art fair that will take place on the…
Looking at the vertical, looking at the horizontal According to Marie-Thérèse VACOSSIN: "Integrating art into everyday life means imposing its intensity. The quick, superficial vision and the anecdote are then…
We art here #1 Sixteen galleries, including the Wagner Gallery, are presenting a selection of works in the framework of a partnership with the CCI of Greater Lille.Access on registration…
Meeting with a collector HOMAGE TO THE SQUAREFirmly committed to the presentation and promotion of geometric abstraction, the Wagner Gallery is presenting nearly 140 works by 25 artists on the…
Minimenta, the big exhibition of small formats! This 4th edition of the Minimenta exhibition - the big exhibition of small formats - is placed under the patronage of the artist…
Donation to the Musée du Touquet "Contemplating silence"A walk through the André Le Bozec donationFrom 18 June to 25 SeptemberAndré Le Bozec, patron and collector from Cambrai, will donate to…
Dilworth at the Touquet ! The Wagner Gallery is pleased to exhibit a monumental work by the artist Norman DILWORTH in the centre of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage.Clump is a sculpture in…
First Solo show for John Carter ! Galerie Wagner is pleased and privileged to invite you to the first solo exhibition in France of John Carter! Born in England in…
ART PARIS March 2016 Galerie Wagner is pleased to welcome you from March 31 to April 3, 2016 at the Grand Palais in Paris for the ART PARIS ART FAIR.From…
Out fo frame - Gaël Bourmaud Out of frame, exhibition of works by Gaël BOURMAUD26 March ➜ 8 May 2016The Wagner Gallery is pleased to present some forty works by…
Lille Art Up in February The Galerie Wagner will be present at the Lille Contemporary Art Fair from 25 to 28 February 2016.
Blue Abstract Affinities Exhibition until 20 March 2016 "Blue has no dimension, it is out of dimension, whereas the other colours do [...] All colours lead to concrete associations of…
Partenariat Mercedes On the occasion of the launch of the C-Class Coupe, SAGA Mercedes-Benz presents SAGA'ART in collaboration with the Galerie Wagner: - in Boulogne-sur-Mer on Thursday 14 January 2016 from…
Artouquet 2016 Over the years, collectors, amateurs and the curious in the Hauts de France region have established Artouquet as the major annual meeting place for the Art Market on…
Affinités Abstraites Winter 2015 "Pure plastic vision must build a new society, just as in art it has built a new plastic. It will be a society based on the…
Yoyo MAEGHT at the Galerie Wagner The MAEGHT Saga in pictures presented by Yoyo Maeght, Saturday 21 November at 6pm at the Wagner Gallery, followed by a signing session.Aimé MAEGHT…
Artouquet 2015 Thursday 29th October, 2pmInauguration of the ARTOUQUET exhibition at the Palais des Congrès in Le TouquetThe WAGNER Gallery participates in the ARTOUQUET 2015 exhibition with a stand presenting works…
Ode BERTRAND – Adage Exhibition of selected works by Ode BERTRAND 17 October ➜ 29 November 2015 "Bringing chaos into order". This is the challenge pursued by Ode Bertrand through…
Speech by Thomas VINSON The artist Thomas VINSON will speak at the gallery as part of the exhibition"Between the lines" on 2 and 3 October 2015 (approx. 1 hour):- Friday…
"Between the lines" by Thomas VINSON 22 August ➜ 11 October 2015"There is nothing systematic in Thomas Vinson's work, but a deep coherence in the totality of his installation. His…
Abstract Affinities Group exhibition from 11 July to 16 August 2015 The group exhibition AFFINITES ABSTRAITES presents artists of international and museum importance, as well as young artists in the…
Blue Variations by Geneviève CLAISSE 16 May ➜ 5 July 2015Intuitively, Geneviève Claisse has always used an elementary formal vocabulary: the circle, the square, the triangle, the line. Considering that…
Geometric abstraction in Cambrai Carte blanche to André Le Bozec who proposes a look at geometric abstraction through the presentation of works by various artists in three places.André Le Bozec…
Off Course Bruxelles Art Fair Join us at stand 23 from 23 to 26 April at Tour & Taxis for the OFF COURSE Brussels Art Fair!We will be presenting works…
SATORU's spaces "In search of order and clarity, SATORU cultivates the stripping of surfaces, the exactitude of rendering, the alternating concision of ratios and proportions, the exchanges between pictorial matter…
Lille ART UP We look forward to seeing you at the Lille Art Up contemporary art fair, from 11 to 15 February, at Lille Grand Palais. Stands B21 and B23…
AFFINITES ABSTRAITES II The exhibition brings together more than a hundred works by various artists who are prominent in the currents of abstraction. Artists presented: Catherine Barthélémy, Mahjoub Ben Bella,…
Claisse exhibits in Roncq In partnership with the Galerie Wagner, the city of Roncq presents an exhibition of a selection of works by Geneviève Claisse."The spaces of Claisseat the former…
Organic Creativity "Organic Creativity" Opening of the exhibition "Créativité organique" on Saturday 4 October 2014 at 6pm, 96 rue de Paris 62520 Le Touquet Paris-Plage. "My working method is based…
When art becomes concrete... Reminder: On Saturday 28 June, André Le Bozec, knight of arts and letters, collector and patron, invites us to discover geometric abstract art through a walk in…
Discovering abstraction André Le Bozec, collector and patron of the arts, invites us to discover geometric abstraction through two events:- Saturday 31 May: Guy de Lussigny, the man, the artist,…